Who is Figmentation® Foundation?

Figmentation® Foundation is a non-profit organization helping kids burdened by a life threatening trauma through illness, injury, or event to re-awaken their innocence and childhood wonderment.

We use our superpowers to unlock the figments of a child’s imagination and discover their unique hero’s story. And then we put it on the BIG Screen!

Our custom costumes, sets and props are woven together with special effects to produce a movie not only starring the kiddo as the hero, but a safe place where families feel empowered to face their scariest dragons and inspired to reach for the stars.

Why this approach to helping kiddos?

Our founders are true believers in the power of the imagination to comfort, restore hope, inspire, and even heal in some circumstances. We believe children are prewired to learn and grow through play and engaging the imagination.  

What makes Figmentation® Foundation different from other wish grantors?

At Figmentation® Foundation we help kiddos bring to life the unique tale of who they would be if anything were possible. After all, every hero has an origin story.

Every child receives an amazing custom-made costume with props and gets to star in their own movie where they play the role of the hero.

Who qualifies?

Children, ages 5 to 15, who have been impacted by a life threatening trauma. The trauma must be due to critical illness, severe injury or endangering event that required medical attention.

What to do if you know a child who might qualify?

The privacy of the families and children we serve is a priority to us. Therefore, children who may be eligible to receive a Figmentation™ can only be referred by:

  • Parents or legal guardians

If you qualify to refer a child, please visit our referral page and follow the instructions.

If you know a child but are not qualified to refer them, please share our link to a qualified person

What happens next if my child’s application is approved?

All applications are reviewed by our board of directors and upon approval, notice is sent directly to the child’s parent or guardian. Once your child is approved, our team will coordinate with parents and healthcare teams for all necessary contact including play sessions, interviews, costume fitting, and studio visits.

Does the family have to pay Figmentation® Foundation?

There is no cost to the families. All productions, costumes, and expenses are taken care of through our fundraising efforts and with the help of our heroic donors and volunteers.

Are there any restrictions?

In order to qualify the child must be able to play pretend and express to our team their hero’s tale. Currently, children who qualify must live near or be able to travel to our St. George, Utah studio location.

Where is Figmentation® Foundation located?

Figmentation® Foundation’s studio is under construction at the Black Desert Resort in St. George Utah.

How can I help?

There are so many ways you can help.

Donate by clicking the link or the button above.

Become a member and get exclusive behind the scenes content.

Follow us on our social media platforms.

Watch and share our kiddo’s videos.

Volunteer by going to our volunteer sign-up page.

If you are an artist who thinks you can help with any part of our productions, please sign up for our artists only newsletter.