Sierra Ball-Third Place Writing Contest 2022

Sierra Babysitter Fox Girl

The fast paced world is in trouble. More and more people are going to

work and there are not enough people to babysit their kids. I have to save

the planet! My planet is filled with tons of kids that need a babysitter and

that is where I come in. I help babysit for parents worry free while they go

off to work.

Some of you may have seen or heard of me. A fox cape with a hoodie,

yeah that’s me, Sierra the Babysitter Fox Girl.

Parents always stress to find the thorough babysitter they can trust. I

have loads of safe and fun things for kids to do and play with. I also have

popcorn and movies to watch. With more parents working, it’s getting more

difficult for them to find babysitters while away for work. They have full

time daily shifts.

When kids have fun and confidence in their babysitter, so do the

parents. It’s also hard for me to keep track of a boatload of people, which is

why I have a daily planner in by backpack. People wonder, what if my child

gets hurt. What if my child won’t go to sleep? What if my child has

homework, can you help them. And many other specific needs for each child

and family.

While most people think, I am an ordinary person, I am not. I don’t go

to school, because I learned so fast that I graduated babysitter superhero

school when I was three years old. When I put my cape on, I turn half fox

and half human. Not only that, but my stuff turns mystical. When you put

my band aids on, they heal you in a second. When your child won’t fall

asleep, I have special books that I can read to them and they will fall asleep

in a jiffy. I am very smart and can help with homework superfast due to

having two different brains, one of a fox and one of a human.

I have phenomenal hearing, smell, speed, and can jump super high. I

can hear if there is an intruder, if a kid needs help, or if they are in danger. I

can smell a pee or poopy diaper from a mile away. I can run as fast as 30

miles per hour to help someone in need. And I can jump as high as 6 feet to

grab a runaway kite or balloon.

Not only that but I have extra capes that I let the kids put on like mine

allowing them to turn half foxes. We then can talk to animals such as pets

and outdoor creatures. But when they take off the capes, they are normal


All of a sudden, I found out all the parents’ bosses were hiring in order

to cast a spell, making them do an excessive amount of tasks and job duties.

The problem of parents working continues to get worse and they can’t tend

to their children the same anymore. I have got to cease this.

I have an idea… I will make more capes for every kid in the planet.

Soon we will stop this evil plan, once and for all. So I gathered everyone up

and I told them my plan. I started training the older kids to help their

younger siblings and neighbors. Soon, we had a superhero babysitting fox


But we needed a permanent solution. We went on the highest

mountain peak and rang a bell made out of loud majestic pillows. The bell

rang throughout society and broke the spell. Parents then worked their

normal shifts and weren’t working 24/7. Phew!!! I still babysit but not all

day. Fox out!

The End


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