Emery Fackrell-Second Place Writing Contest 2022

It was a breezy afternoon as I walked down the street to my friend Jason’s house. We have

been friends since kindergarten. I was just about to cross the street when I fell. I fell through a

world I would never have known. I started to realize that I was really falling, but I was low

enough that the little pond below me would catch me. As I splashed in the water, I started to

discover my surroundings. My mind could not comprehend my surroundings. I was surrounded

by huge cakes and ice cream and money, but there were still trees and grass. I walked about a

half a mile when I was confronted by a tall muscular bald guy. “ Hey, kid, are you lost? “ He

asked. “ Um, I have no idea where I am and I miss my family! “ I exclaimed. “ Oh, you're from

that place called Earth. I'll show you how to get out. Oh, and my name is, uh, Joe “ Joe said with

a little too much casualness. I had no other option, so I said “ Shure “ . We walked a pretty long

distance before we came to the base of a large prison that looked very secure. “ Don’t worry, the

prison is just a disguise to ward off enemies. “ Joe said. We walked inside and the place looked

like a huge palace with celes on the inside. Joe led me to a room with an old guy. “ This man

can take you home.” The man wore a sad expression on his face. I walked in and was greeted

by a huge slam behind me. “ I’m not going to let you go home kid! I was the one who got you

here! I don’t even know how to get you home. “ As he said that, he turned into the most

horrifying monster I have ever seen. I could not even describe it. “ Oh my gosh! What is this

place! “ I screamed as the big hunk of goo walked away. “ Hey, kid, you asked what this place is,

right? “ The old man said. ``Uh, ya. Can you explain it to me? “ I asked, “ this place is where all

of Earth's people’s imaginations and dreams go. Like superheroes, this is where they are and

basically everything imaginable. But just recently, it got hoarded by a dark magic that some

terrorists thought and dreamed about. They made this dark power so it would take over

anything. Oh, and my name Wan, the sorceress supreme, from the Avengers. “ Wan explained.

“ Wow, that was a lot. So I guess that we are just stuck here.” I said with a little hint of sadness.

“BANG!!!” “What was that!?” I exclaimed. A bunch of guys with laser guns and lightsabers came

around the corner and started busting people out of their cages. “Wow! Are those Star Wars

guys?!” I asked. “Yes! The resistance has come to save us!” Wan said with way more happiness

in his tone. The men came to their cell and said “we have come to break you out!” As they

unlocked our cell. We ran out with everybody else and we were inside a huge ship with tie

fighters around it. “So, where are we going?” I asked. “To the secret resistance base of course!”

The commander explained. The ship traveled for about five minutes before we came to a

mountain with windows and doors and landing pads.” Wow, this is a cool base!” I exclaimed.

But right as we were about to land,BOOM!! What was that?!” I screamed. Oh my gosh, the

entire side of the ship is gone! Alien ships are attacking!!!” One of the troops said with horror.

The alien ships were as big as houses. They were all destroying the base and our ship.

Hundreds of people came pouring out with all kinds of weapons, but the aliens had the bigger

advantage. “Oh no! Guys help! AHHHHH!!!!” screamed about 25 troopers in the ship were taken

away by huge claws. As everybody was trying to help them, half of the ship with everybody but

me came ripping off. “Oh my gosh!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. Just like that, they were

all captured, and I was the only one to save everybody. I ran over to where the cockpit was and I

had no idea what I was doing. As I was trying to figure out the controls, A huge UFO came

crashing out of control and smashed into my ship and I only saw black. I woke up ten minutes

later and it looked like the resistance was still losing. The UFO was still in good shape, so I got

in it and the only controls were a joystick and a green button. From my video game experiences,

I knew exactly what to do. The joystick was to move and the button was to shoot.

“Ghdjksjjsjkdshcjckaiekspzqapq!!” screamed an alien That was like a huge blab, but with an

eye. I could not understand, but I knew it was something bad. I ran over to the joystick and

jerked it around and the entire ship went bonkers. The alien flew out the door, and I almost did

too.”That was the most disgusting thing ever” I muttered as I made the UFO go up and forward.I

knew the only way for me to shoot all the aliens down, I would have to go far away from the

battle and snipe every alien in that battlefield. So, I flew up and away from the humongous battle

that was super gruesome and I started spamming the green button. Huge blasts of lasers came

out and obliterated every UFO out there. It only took like five minutes too. I flew down and the

second I came down, a ton of people were cheering me on. It was amazing. “Thank you so

much for saving us all! We were dead meat for shure. We could not thank you enough! Said all

of the crewmates in asstonishment. “Everybody, quiet down. We will give you our best

lightsaber, a cool mech suit, and Captain America’s shield.” explained the general. “Wow! Thank

you so much! I am going to take down that monster that got me here in the first place, and to

save you guys.” I said. They sent me on my way in a ship with about two dozen other people in

the ship. We traveled for a while, and I got pretty bored. But, I started to try out all my weapons.

They were so amazing. After a while, I got used to them. We eventually got to where all of the

bad guys were hiding. There were hundreds of them. But one of the crewmates told me that if I

take out the master, or the guy that kidnapped me, all of the other monsters would die. We hid

down pretty low and started to file out of the ship. “Come on! Hurry! We need to be inside the

base in five minutes!” The commander said. They all went to a big building to fight monsters, but

the commander told me to go a different way, toward the master to fight him. I started running

on the trail to another building when a group of horrifying, huge scorpions started to attack me. I

sliced one in half with my light saber and shot one with a missle from my mech suit. I bashed a

couple more with my shield, sliced one more and they were gone. “Man! That was hard. I

wonder how powerful the master is. I looked over a cliff and I saw him. The one who killed

hundreds. The one who took away my family. There were a couple of scorpions protecting the

horrifying blob, but other than that, he was mine. I jumped off the cliff, shot all of the scorpions

with my missiles first before I would fight him. He saw me and looked astonished, until he turned

furious. I bashed my shield into him and it broke off a pound piece of him. He grabbed a sword

and slashed it in the back. It hurt, but there was no time to whine. I got back up and sliced off

half of his body with my lightsaber, but it grew back. I figured if I could get to the core of him fast

enough, I could destroy him. I punched him with my retractor arm to push him back, then I

blasted the rest of my missiles at him. Half of his body was gone, but already regrowing. I ran

over to him and stabbed him in the chest. It took a little pushing, but I got it all the way through.

“How, how did you do it? I stripped away everyth..” He said until I pulled the lightsaber out.

Immediately, I started to fall in the same wormhole I came here by and I landed in my

neighborhood, at the exact place I fell in the first place. All my stuff was gone. I looked At my

watch and it was only twenty minutes ago that I fell into that place. I decided it was a dream as I

walked to my friend's house. As I walked there, a tiny blob started to follow me…


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