Victoria Smith-First Place Writing Contest 2022

The Story Of Vic and Boo Boo

by Victoria Smith

Hello! My name is Victoria, aka Vic. I LOVE cats, I have a very large amount of

syrup (you never know when you’ll need that stuff), and I love the color purple. I sound

like I’m a normal girl, but I have a secret. (shhh.. Be quiet!) I am a superhero!! I know

right, It sounds so cool! But I didn’t just randomly BECOME a superhero, all of this


The Story Of Vic and Boo Boo

One day, I was at home, and my parents told me that they needed to talk to me. I

didn’t think much about it, I was actually kinda honestly starting to doze off, but then I

heard this. “We’re going to get a divorce.” . At that moment, I didn’t even know what

to think. I had a million questions, and I was feeling so many emotions at once. After

this, a LOT of different things happened. I moved, I got stepparents, I moved again, I

had a baby brother, etc. But, the biggest thing that happened was this: Once I was

starting to get used to all this change going between two houses, my cat Vader died.

That cat was what got me through everything. My anxiety, my struggles, my upcoming

spelling assignment, EVERYTHING. I felt hopeless. I felt like nothing good was going to

happen, and I would never feel happy again.

But, then something good happened. One night, on a full moon, I was walking through

an empty street to get the mail when I saw a little fuzzy black kitten. I stopped to pet it,

but when I started to look at it closer, I saw that it had a bright white and pink paw. I

lifted up its paw, and it started to GLOW! On top of that, it started to TALK!! I know, a

talking cat that's impossible! But it sure wasn’t impossible that night. It said, “ MEOW..

Uhm excuse me? But that’s my paw there!” I jumped back in surprise and said, “Did you

just… talk?... AWESOME!!” Then we had a conversation for about 30 minutes, but then

I thought I probably needed to get home, so I said, “Sorry, uh.. cat? But I gotta get

home-” “It’s boo-boo. The name?” “Oh yeah.., sorry. Anyways, I got to go. I’ll meet you

at the light post at 9:00 PM tomorrow. Cya!” “Bye-bye.” Said Boo Boo.

Next, I raced home, ran up the stairs,brushed my teeth, got into my pjs, and got into

my bed as fast as I could so my dad wouldn’t notice that I had left. Then, I fell fast


The next day, I noticed something weird. I was wearing a necklace with the words

indented “Luna” on it. “I wonder where that came from.” I thought to myself. I put the

necklace in my pocket, got dressed, and went downstairs.

Chapter 2

9:00 PM

I started to walk towards the spot that I met Boo Boo the night before. I carried the

necklace with me, so I could ask the kitten if she knew what the necklace was. Finally, I

saw Boo Boo. I started running and I went right to the light post. “Hello.” Said the kitten.

“Hi!” I said. “Hey Boo Boo, I have a question.” “I'm all ears.” “Do you know what this

necklace is?” I pulled the necklace from my pocket. “Oh, wow! Luna is what all my cat

friends used to call me, they called me it because of my paw that's all white, and it

kinda stuck as a nickname for me.” Boo Boo said. “Nice.” I said. “ Since you got that

necklace magically, it means that I’m like your sidekick now because when you tap it, I

teleport to you.” Boo Boo said. “SO…. Cool!! We Should fight crime and be a duo!!” I

said. “Meow!” (Totally in cat language.)

The Next Day

I couldn’t sleep the night before, but that day it didn’t matter. With crazy hair and all, I

went to the bathroom, shut the door, and tapped my necklace. “RRRRORW!” Boo Boo

screamed as she teleported. “Oh, Hi… Sorry I need to get used to being teleported

again.” She said as she wiped her paw across her head and sighed.”Oh, sorry about

that, I just wanted to see if it worked.” I said “Well, now you know.” Boo Boo said while

pacing around the room. “It’s actually kinda good that you teleported me.” “Why’s that?”

I said. “Well, you did want to fight crime, so here's the problem.” “There is a giant waffle

destroying the town of cats.The problem is, that the cat town does not have enough

syrup to kill it. You have enough though.” Said Boo Boo. “A giant waffle? How bad could

it be?” I said.

While In The Town of Cats

Vic and Boo Boo are walking.

“You know, this town is actually kinda cute!” I said as I looked at the little shop windows and the

purple roads. “Why are the roads purple?” I asked. “I actually don’t quite know.” “But, maybe

it's because lots of cats' ears here are purple.” Said Boo Boo. “Well, let's go.” We walked at least

1 mile, and then I saw it. The waffle. It was a very angry waffle, destroying buildings, houses,

and trees. “What are we gonna do?” I said. “You sneak behind it, and distract him. I’ll pour the

hot syrup on him while you are making him look at you.” she said. “Ok. On it.” “Let’s go!” I

started running, and she sneaked below the ginormous waffle. I yelled. “Hey waffle! Over here!”

The waffle turned its head and started stomping towards me. After a while of distracting it, I said,

“Now!”. Boo Boo used her magic paw to float,(yes, she can do that), and then poured the hot

syrup on the waffle. “NOOOO!!! I’M MELTINGggg…” The waffle said. Me and Boo Boo

high-fived. “We did it!” We both said at the same time, and I grabbed the black kitten and

hugged her as tight as I could.

Ever since that day, legend has it that the cats are still licking up a giant puddle of syrup, and

people are still finding cute little kitten companions to place in their lives. #Happy Cats

The End


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